Bright Product Release | April 11, 2024

Details + Tips related to our newest features + bug fixes.

New Releases:

  • *BETA* Two Conversation Simulations: As part of a longer-term strategy to enhance our overall conversation simulation capabilities, we've launched an optional new beta feature to attach a second, simultaneous conversation to any simulation. This is a great use case for managing multiple, simultaneous chats, or trigging a mid-conversation call to a manager or contractor. Our ultimate plan for this feature is to make implementation and reporting easier, but for now you can test this lightly. Keep in mind that during the beta: 
    • Second conversation scores will not show up in the post-learner debrief page. 
    • Two conversations will only be available for conversations that include a canvas.
    • The second conversation must be built in a separate simulation record.

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  • Team Progress Report % + Toggle Enhancement (4543 + 4623): We've added a new dropdown to Tier 4 teams reports that will let Coaches and Admins toggle by Team or Assignment Path, making it faster + easier to manage programs and progress. 

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This update also includes the addition of a % complete column in the Tier 4 team, allowing users to sort by % without having to click into the user.

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  • Delete Modal Upgrade (4874): To avoid unintentional deletes of conversation simulations and other content we've added a more robust delete process across all record types. Admins will now see a more prominent warning and have to type 'delete' to proceed.

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  • Extended Notification Popup (4865): We've added a few more seconds of popup time for key learner and admin notifications to ensure notifications are more noticeable.

Bug Fixes: 

  • Learner Writing Prompt Edit (4523): To avoid AI errors caused by certain types of invalid user entries, we modified the learner-facing writing editor by:
    • Removing the image upload box in AI-rated moments (since NLP cannot analyze images)
    • Removing the numbered list button (since the numbering system often interfered with the NLP process); however the bulleted list button is still available.
    • We also added additional formatting options on the admin-facing text editors to provide more control over prompt entries.
  • Deleting Teams with Explore Associations (4680): Fixed a bug found when deleting team records still associated with an Explore Path. The fix allows the delete to proceed and removes the team association from the Explore Path.
  • Team Scrolling Fix (4845): Made small UI tweaks to address an edge case where the final entry on large teams tables was not visible in the admin view.
  • Mobile Audio Transcription Update (4456): Made an update to address a mic/recording issue caused by some mobile device/browser settings. This fix is most relevant for customers using Bright on phone or tablet devices.
  • Intent AI Coach Inbox Refresh (4043): Fixed a bug where some moments with Intent AI would not refresh in the Coach Inbox.
  • Tier 2 Export Latency: Changed memory management settings for generating very large Team Progress Report exports where the export could take a much longer time or time out from processing (e.g., caused in exports with 5,000 - 10,000 users and very long assignment paths).