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Bright Language

Learn Bright's lexicon and how it maps to similar language you've used in past learning programs

At Bright, understanding the way we talk about simulations and the hierarchy in how these components fit together will be the first step in unlocking your Admin capabilities. Use the table and diagram below to understand how we think about simulations, practice and the building blocks in Bright,

Moment A moment is an individual exercise or practice opportunity that a learner can experience in the platform. It's similar to a lesson or individual scenario. It is the essential building block in Bright. Several moments are strung together to create one simulation.
Moment Group A moment group is a group of moments that fit together as one section of a single simulation. You can have several moment groups in one simulation that each cover different aspects of the larger theme. Moment groups create pacing and structure within an individual simulation.
Simulation A simulation is list of moments and/or moment groups strung together in a single module. A simulation sits on the homepage in the carousel. For example, the Welcome simulation might be made up of Introduction and Compliance moment groups and each of those moment groups will have several different Moments within them and related to either Introduction or Compliance. Simulations are similar to a module or individual course.  
Canvas A canvas is a series of screenshots of a software system that strung together in the order that a person would experience them in the software system itself. You place layers on a canvas to create dynamic, live fields that learners can interact with. The Canvas is the building block of a System Moment. 
Assignment An assignment path is similar to a learning journey. It's a series of Simulations strung together to create the full learner experience. All of the simulations that you see on the homepage in the carousel make up your learning journey which has been curated specifically for you, your peers or a population of learners. 
Certification A certification in Bright is an activity where you join a Coach live over the Bright platform (similar to a video conference). During this time you can either do a virtual role play or you can navigate a system simulation while the Coach watches. Better yet you can combine the two and have the Coach play the customer while you navigate the interaction at the same time as the system. This is often a capstone experience once learners have completed everything else in their learning journey and can be used to test whether someone is role-ready. After the certification concludes, you can rate and leave feedback and comments so that there is a record of completion in the Bright reporting.
Resources Resources are either Documentation or Links to useful websites. These are typically supplemental details that the learners can look back on or access at any time during their experience. 
Welcome Placemat The Welcome Placemat is the first thing someone sees when they enter the platform for the first time. In addition to asking them to set up their profile, it's an opportunity to set the tone for your immersive learning platform and bring your brand presence front and center. Experience design is incredibly important and this feature gives you the flexibility to be creative and drive home key messages.

Bright Hierarchy

The diagram below shows you how the Bright building blocks fit together to create a dynamic learning experience.