Bright Product Release | April 26, 2024

Details + Tips related to our newest features + bug fixes.

New Releases:

AI Conversation Cloning (4801): This highly anticipated feature offers the ability to clone an entire conversation. You will now be able to clone a full AI conversation into an existing simulation or net-new simulation which will save you time and enable even more repetition for your learners! Here's how it works:

First, you'll see a new icon on AI Conversation Moment Groups - remember that you must clone from the main simulation page (not from inside the AI Conversation itself):

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Next, you'll see a series of modal popups that will walk you through 3 amazing options - cloning to the CURRENT simulation, cloning the conversation to a NEW simulation (where you get to name the new simulation as you make the clone, or cloning to an EXISTING simulation (where you get to pick the simulation from a dropdown list). We've highlighted a sample cloning flow below. Just remember that you'll need to PUBLISH your cloned conversation before it will be visible to learners or show up in your reports. 

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Admin Tagging:
Today, Admin permission tags are a way to manage your backend content and experiences.

With this new feature release, these tags ALSO help manage the front-end Admin experience. When you tag an Admin this will now:

  1. Automatically filter that Admin's Coach inbox to only show the submissions from users in the program they manage, reducing the sometimes-overwhelming '999' notifications count for large customers, and letting Admins focus on Coaching for just their teams.
  2. Focus the Team Progress Report teams list on the teams an Admin is tagged for, reducing load times for large enterprises, and making it easier to get into your reports. 

Remember, Admins can be tagged to support multiple teams if desired OR you can leave Admins untagged if you preferred the 'all' view that Admins had previously.

Moment Vimeo Interface (4846):
Admins will now see a preview of the videos they load directly inside the Moment, making it easier to manage lessons as you design experiences. The preview also provides an option to download a copy of the video via the icon in the upper left corner of the screen. There are more exciting video-related features coming soon, so this update sets the stage for much more to come!

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New Canvas Layer Library Fonts (4882):  We've added a broader suite of font options to the Canvas. The list now includes the below. Don't hesitate to reach out to your Account Manager if your company systems use a font we don't have!

  • Archivo
  • Arial
  • Comic Sans MS
  • Georgia
  • Helvetica
  • Lato
  • Montserrat
  • Nunito Sans
  • Open Sans
  • Osawald
  • Poppins
  • Raleway
  • Roboto
  • Source Sans
  • Tahoma
  • Time New Roman
  • Verdana
  • VT323

Dual Login User Management Enhancement (4818)
: For customers who manage multiple instances, and who offer their users multiple login options, we've added new controls to let you decide which login method applies to each user.  ONLY these customers will now see a 'Secondary' checkbox next to the temporary password field in the user record. If the box is unchecked, the learner will login via SSO. If the Secondary box is checked, the learner will be routed via Bright's managed login process.

These settings also apply to imports for dual login instances. If a user's temp password field is EMPTY the user will be designated for SSO. If it is POPULATED the learner will be designated for the Bright managed login process.

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Bug Fixes:

Duplicate Email Validation Fix: We discovered an issue affecting customers using Bright's managed login process where if users were added with duplicate emails the new user could have trouble logging in. To avoid this, we've added a validation that will not allow customers to enter users with duplicate emails.