Bright Product Release | June 4, 2024

Details + Tips related to our newest features + bug fixes.

New Releases:

Floating Conversation Boxes:

We're excited to roll out a new option for AI conversation simulations that puts the placement of the conversation thread in the hands of the learner. The new UI starts with a small chat bubble that can be dragged around the screen, making more room for the software simulation. If the learner hovers over the conversation the box will pop open. They can pin it in place as well, and continue to drag the box using the header bar as well. To turn on the feature, just check the 'Floating' box in the simulation moment group.

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PDF Moment Types: 

We've long been able to host PDFs as resources, but customers frequently want to use PDFs as part of the learning flow as well. That's why we love the new PDF moment media option, which lets admins use PDF with any moment type. Just drag in the PDF, and use audio recordings, multi-choice, writing, AI coaching, or other moment features as usual.

Keep an eye out for the new 'Initial Prompt' box, which allows you to show instructions/prompts prior to showing the PDF, making it clearer for the learner what they should do during the activity. If you leave the Initial Prompt blank, the learner will immediately move into the PDF, similar how they do today for Image-based moments.

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Canvas Enhancements Package: 

This is a pretty major release of many new canvas features that stand to save thousands of clicks and bring new levels of automation to the builder: 

  • Grouping Layers: Builders can now use Cmd or Shift hotkeys to group screen layers. Not only does this make it easier to organize your builds - most importantly, it lets you select and drag multiple layers. This is a life savers for things like tables or other screens with large quantities of text layers.

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  • Reordering/Renaming Dropdown Entries: Maybe one of the more long awaited updates is the ability to edit and re-order dropdown and typeahead layer fields. Click the edit button to rename. Drag the handle bar to reorder. 

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  • Previewing/Renaming Layer Groups: The Layer Group section got fun updates as well. This section now lets you 1) edit/delete entries and 2) hover over the '+' button to see a preview of that layer group on your screen. The layers will only be added if you click, but seeing a preview helps verify that you know what layer group you're using before you add it!  You'll also notice that any non-group layers have been merged into a single 'Misc.' layer group, cleaning up the overall menu for all admins.

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  • Text Formatting Automation: Anyone who has had to change font sizes/formats on 20 back to back text layers will appreciate this one... We now have a default text formatting tool next to the preview button that will pre-apply text formatting to any new layers. For example, if you set the size to 18, the next layers will be set to 18. If you then change it to 14, the next layers will be set to 14. These settings apply to input, typeahead and other layers as well.

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  • Jump Layers from Dropdowns: Builders can already set jump ahead links when learners select the correct answer in Typeahead layers. We're brining this same function to dropdowns. 
  • Removing Smart Layer Associations: You can now uncheck the smart layer association!

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Bug Fixes + Enhancements:

  • Team Progress Report Breadcrumbs: The TPR now shows the full breadcrumb trail for the Tier 1, 2, 3, and 4 teams - allowing users to skip back up multiple levels for faster navigation.

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  • Native Chrome Speech Engine Dual Conversation Issue:  We fixed an issue found by customers using the native Chrome speech engine (instead of Deepgram) when running dual conversation simulations.
  • Team Tags in Cloning:  We fixed a small bug that didn't retain the Team Tag when canvases were cloned.
  • Bulk Import Duplicate User Fix: We fixed a bug experienced by customers using Bright's native user management tools (not SSO customers) who tried to import duplicate user emails.