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Content Tagging

Whether you are using Bright enterprise-wide or just creating experiences for different learner populations, Content Tagging will help your company organize all of your learning content

Content tagging is one of the best ways to organize all of the learning content that lives in Bright. There are several different ways to organize this data including by division, level of leadership, program type and more. Taking advantage of this feature will help you and your fellow Admins find your content quickly and efficiently. 

The first thing to note about content tagging is that you are tagging content to a specific Tier 1 team. Your organization has already thought through this Teaming structure. It drives your reporting, segments your learners and now gives you the ability to tag content to those specific verticals. Keep in mind that you have the ability to tag content to several different Teams if that makes sense for you as well. 

Every Moment, Simulation, Canvas, Resources and Certification has the functionality to be tagged. Simply navigate to any of this content, scroll to the bottom of the page and select which Tier 1 team(s) you want to assign that content to.

Lastly, this will give you the ability to set a default view for any Admin. If there are Admins that specifically build content for the Sales team, you can easily assign them to that segment of content from their profile page. Keep in mind, this does not suppress them from seeing other content, but sets their default view to only see the content that has been tagged to the Sales team, for example. The Admins can always remove the default filter in order to see other content when needed. See a quick tutorial below on how to tag content, assign Admins to that content and then filter or remove filter on that content as necessary.