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Creating a Teams Structure

Learn how to use Bright's 4 tier team structure.

Teams in Bright are a way to segment your learners into smaller groups or catagories. It drives all of the reporting in Bright, as well as your decisions on what kind of content you build in the platform. Tagging content to a certain team it is overall the best way to think about organization in the platform. This is a key step as you onboard or begin to expand deeper into your organization. 

The first thing to know is that Bright Teams are constructed using a nested, hierarchical, tiered structure. There are four tiers that you can drill down to for reporting, coaching, and assignments. Tier 1 is your parent Tier and all of the tiers underneath that nest into each other.

There are a million ways to slice and dice your data, but we recommend using a similar structure to the way that your organization is structured. Do you think about your talent by division, region, talent band, or tenure? All of the above? Well, you're not alone! Working with your account manager will help you think through how to structure your teams, how you assign coaching tasks and how you view your reports.

Below are a couple of examples to get your juices flowing and help you think through different ways that you might want to segment your learners. Ask your account manager for this template if you'd like to use it to brainstorm as well.

Once your teaming structure is complete, it's time to assign Learners, Coaches and Admins to their teams. We recommend making the team structures before you bulk upload users. This way you can grab the Tier 4 Team Unique IDs to easily assign the users during the bulk upload process.

Tier 4 Team Unique ID

We'll also show you how to easily drill down in the Reporting suite to review team data. See tutorials below.

Filtering the Moments Report to Multiple Tier 4 Teams (Same process for the Coach and Assignment Reports)

Drilling Down the Team Progress Report to a Tier 4 Team


Filtering the Outstanding Report to a Tier 4 Team (Same process for the Simulation Skills Report)