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Driving Personalization Through Explore Paths + Badges

Explore Paths provide a way for learners to tailor their learner based on development opportunities or interests.

Every learner in Bright has a Core Assignment path that includes a curated set of activities specific to their role and team. This approach to managing assignments saves considerable time for admins and coaches compared to ongoing manual assignments and registrations. 

But we know there are many use cases for additional personalization based on other factors, such as development areas, new product releases, or even learner interests. 

Enter: Explore Paths + Badges. 

Explore Paths serve as a secondary learning path that contain one or multiple assignments.

As shown below, once activated these paths show up in a new tab on the learner's landing page, providing an option for learners to Add the Explore Path to their assignments list. 

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Once selected by the learner, Explore Paths show up underneath the Core Path carousel AND in MyPath, below the Core Assignment cards. (see images below). Having these paths separate from the Core Path has the benefit of enabling complete personalization of the learner journey, while still maintaining control over a core set of assignments + reports that the learner cannot change. 

You'll note in the images that learners can Add/Remove paths. There is a popup modal that asks them to verify any additions or removals before the change is made official. See below for how you can 'hide' this button by making certain Explore paths 'Required.'

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Here's how you set up + permission Explore Paths in the Bright Admin panel:

Inside each Assignment Path record there are multiple parameters you can tailor to make Explore Paths to the exact learners and teams you desire!

As seen below, the parameters are: 

  • Team Tag: The default view of learner Explore tabs is based on their team assignment. Any Assignments tagged to a team will be shown as the default view of members on that team. For example, if an Assignment is tagged for 'Sales,' all Sales team members will see that tag in the default filter of the Explore tab.
  • Description: This description is shown on the Assignment Path card as a way to help learners know what's included in the path + confirm their selection.
  • Explore Path Required: Checking this box means learners won't see the 'Remove' button on this path after it's added to their Explore Path. Only Admins can remove Required Explore Paths. As such, this is a great way to ensure learners don't inadvertently remove Explore Paths you *really* want them to complete.
  • Explore Path Searchable: If this box is unchecked the path will not be visible to any learner in the Explore Tab. However, Admins can still manually assign this path in the user record or through LMS integrations.
  • Team Searchable: If you tag one or more teams in this filter, only those teams will be able to view this Explore Path. If no selection is made, the path will be visible to all teams.
  • Core Path Searchable: If you tag one or more Assignment Paths in this filter, only learners who have one of the tagged paths as a Core Path will be able to view this Explore Path. If no selection is made, the path will be visible regardless of the learner's Core Path. Similar to the Team Searchable function, if no selection is made, the path will be visible to all teams.
  • Badge Searchable: If you tag one or more Badges, only learners who have earned one of those badges will be able to view this Explore Path. It operates as a way to create pre-requisites for badging, or to 'stack' career development opportunities (e.g. think 101, 201, 301, 401 college courses).
  • Badge: Associating a badge with an Assignment path will show the badge icon on the Assignment path card. Upon earning 3 stars and completing all assignment path criteria, the learner will earn the badge + it will be shown on their MyPath page under the Badges tab. There's a sample image below of what the learner sees when they earn the badge.

Feel free to mix and match these settings to stack career paths and tailor Explore Path visibility to meet your organization's learning needs. 

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Badge Admin

What the Learner Sees When They Earn Their Badge:

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