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How is the Alert Bell Calculated?

The alert bell indicates coach feedback, items to practice, and open coaching. Here's exactly how that number gets calculated.

The alert bell calculation for Learners is: 

  • Feedback + Practice: The number of items that need to be practiced/repeat in the Feedback + Practice section of MyPath 2.0.
  • Kudos: The number of UNVIEWED items in Kudos. Once a learner clicks on the Kudos tab and sees their human coach feedback, the alert bell will be reduced by however many items are there. Kudos items disappear after 90 days, so if a learner has not viewed their Kudos items the alert bell count for those items will go after 90 days.
  • Certifications: The number of UNVIEWED certification session ratings/coaching cards in the Certification tab. Once a learner clicks on the Certification tab and sees their feedback, the alert bell will be reduced by however many items are there. If the learner has not ever attempted a certification, this tab doesn't show, so there would be count included in the alert bell calculation.

If a user is a Coach or Admin, their alert bell includes ALL the learner items above (because every user in Bright is ALSO a learner) but also includes: 

  • Coach Inbox: The number of UNRATED items in that Coach/Admins inbox. If the user is an Admin their bell will show the count for ALL teams. Otherwise, the count will only show the number for their permissioned teams. Once any user with permissions to coach those items rates them, the alert bell of any coach will decrease by 1. Remember that a Coach with ZERO items in their inbox may still have an active Alert Bell if they also have feedback items in their own MyPath.

Here's a quick example: 

  1. Jim logs in for the first time ever - he'll see no alert bell entries
  2. He then completes a conversation simulation + doesn't meet the performance criteria - he now has a 1 in his alert bell
  3. He tries again but still doesn't meet the criteria - he STILL has 1 in his alert bell
  4. He passes the conversation simulation - he goes back to having zero in his alert bell
  5. Jim goes through an audio recording moment that will be coached by a human - his alert bell stays at zero
  6. His coach then sends feedback with a 4 star rating -  his alert bell goes up to 1
  7. Someone makes Jim a coach for a team with 30 items - his alert bell goes to 31
  8. Jim looks at the Kudos section where the 4-star and coach feedback is - after he looks at it the alert bell goes down to 30 
  9. Jim goes into the Coach Inbox and rates 3 things - his alert bell is now 27

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