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How to Conduct a Live Certification

Learn how a Live Bright Certification session is run.

Scheduling a Session

  • Coaches should set up their own schedule and block time appropriately, leaving room for breaks and to rate performance on the platform. We recommend no more than 3 sessions an hour with at least 15-20 minutes of break after every 3rd session to complete ratings and leave comments.

    Option 1: Synchronous

    Option 2: Asynchronous

    [Assumes the certification is part of a course such as new hire training.] Set aside a day or half-day depending on class size. 

    Tell the learners that they will be reviewing in Bright independently during that time and will be completing a 20 minute certification session with the trainer during an assigned time.

    Publish a schedule where learners can see it and use a chat to nudge learners to join their session at the right time.

    Trainers or supervisors send out a calendar invitation to learners to complete a Certification session at a designated time.

    If available, trainers or supervisors can use a scheduling tool such as Calendly or Picktime to let learners self-select times and book it on both calendars.

How Learners Join

  • Learners can join the certification by visiting https://app.learnwithbright.com/certify,  or by clicking the 'Certify' link in the Bright platform header section.
  • When they first enter the session they will be prompted to share their screen. Be mindful you can have the Learner share the entire screen if you plan for them to use a Knowledge Base or other systems/resources outside of Bright.

  • Then they will see a waiting screen until the Coach begins the session:

How Coaches Start the Session

  • Coaches will click on the 'Coach' tab in the Bright platform header. There, they can select the learner to certify and review their performance history prior to the call.
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  • When both the coach and the learner are in the session, the 'Start Call' button will appear on the coach's screen. After selecting the certification call type from the dropdown, the coach clicks 'Start Call' and the two will be connected live via the platform.

How to End the Session + Rate Learner Performance

  • After the call, the coach can click in the upper right hand of the screen. After that they will have the option to hold an additional call, or end the session.
  • After all call certification sessions have been completed. Both the coach and the learner will be returned to the certification screen in the Platform. There, the coach will enter a star rating for the skill(s) associated with the certification, upload a coach report (if desired) and leave other comments and feedback.
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