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How to Create Custom Vocabulary Lists for Transcriptions

Industry or company-specific words and acronyms can be tough for un-trained language models to recognize. Here's how you can jump start your model to recognize your unique terms and phrases.

If your transcription model is having trouble recognizing your company or industry's terms and acronyms, have no fear. 

While there is not a self-service upload feature to address this challenge, your Bright Account Manager can help you create a custom vocabulary list that we can upload on your behalf to include in your nightly model update run. 

Below you'll find the template for custom vocab creation. The key components are: 

  • Phrase: This is where you list the item/term in question. As you'll see in the template, do NOT include spaces here. Use dashes. For example, the word Los Angeles would be entered Los-Angeles. And for acronyms you use periods after every letter. For example, 'CLI' is C.L.I. (not C.L.I) and 'ABCs' is A.B.C.-s (not A.B.C-s).
  • Sounds Like: Here, you have 2 options:
    1. Enter the term(s) that have been mistranscribed on the platform. For example, if the term is 'Deductible' and the transcription came out as 'deduct a bubbles,' you can enter 'deduct a bubbles' in the "Sounds Like" column of your vocabulary list.
    2. Don't have a ton of transcriptions to work with yet? You can use phonetics to sound out your word or term in detail. You don't have to be fancy here. It's better to use small, common words over phonetic representations. For example, for 'Los Angeles', 'loss-ann-gel-es' is preferable to 'lahs-ahn-jul-ees'.
  • IPA [Recommended if Sounds Like did not work]: You should only use Sounds Like or IPA columns. Not both. This column is for the phonetics ninjas out there, and probably isn't necessary for most. It's optional and can be left blank if you don't use it. 
  • Display As: This is how you want the term to be transcribed once recognized. So whereas you may have entered 'Los-Angeles' in the first Phrase column, you'd enter 'Los Angeles' here. 

You can download the template HERE and then speak with your Account Manager when you think you're ready for a review.