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How to Permanently Delete Users

In addition to making users Inactive, customers can also permanently delete users and their data from the system.

When you make a user inactive, this removes them from all reports and Coach Inbox entries. For most customers, this is the best option because it retains their data and learning history in case they ever return to the company in the future. 

But we also recognize that some customers may have legitimate needs to permanently delete employees from Bright.

 In order to delete a user, they must already have been moved to Inactive status, and only then you will be able to permanently delete all user information. This action is not recoverable - yes it’s scary!

For this reason, there are some extra steps that you will have to take to triple confirm that you want to proceed. Our reporting already ignores Inactive users, so there won’t be any impacts to Activity, Team Progress Reports or the Coach Inbox. 

Below are the steps to permanently delete one or several users from Bright. 

Step 1: Navigate to the User Table in the Admin console. You may only delete users from the User table, not the individual user record.

Step 2: Select the user(s) you want to delete and move them to Inactive Status OR filter on Inactive Users and select the user(s) you want to delete.

Step 3: Once your Inactive users are selected, scroll to the bottom of the table and click 'Delete'.

Step 4: Next, a dialogue box will appear reminding you that this action is irreversible and all user data will be permanently removed from the system. If you want to complete this action, you will type the word 'delete' into the dialogue box. 

Step 5: After you type delete, you can push the delete button to confirm.

Please watch this short tutorial to learn more: