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Using the Moment Report in the Coach Tab

The Moment Report on the Coach tab is a great way to review one learner's learning history, including timestamps for submission + ratings.

There is one report that can be found in the Coach tab at the top of your homepage view. This report under the coach tab gives a quick summary of each interaction the learner has completed with the submission itself and a date/time stamp for accountability.

Primary Use: Quickly identify the certifications, moments, and simulations a learner has submitted. This can be used for accountability of a learner as well as following-up on error reports from a learner who had to resubmit a moment multiple times. This could also be used to view the AI feedback provided to a learner for a specific moment.

More Information: Once you navigate to the coach tab in Bright, select the learner's name from the reports dropdown.
Coach Tab Reports

Once you select a learner, you will see tabs for each type of experience in the platform. The most common option to select will be the Moments to view each moment the learner has completed with the date/time stamp.

The Moments tab can be used to view submissions and ensure the coach provided appropriate feedback- regardless of a human or the AI coach. You can also use this view to ensure accountability if there is any doubt to whether a learner was on task- unfortunately none of us are impervious to this concern.

Coach Tab Reports B