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What can Bright do for you?

Summary of what Bright is and how it can help your organization

Bright is global, immersive learning and workforce development platform that can help reduce costs and grow performance while gathering new types of data so you can prove the ROI of your learning programs. As you get to know us, you can think of Bright in a few ways: 

  • Conversation + Decision Making Simulations
  • Software System Simulations
  • Human or AI Coaching
  • Reporting + Predictive Skills Data
  • Learning Strategy + Creative Studio

Our goal is not only to help you learn about how to wield the Bright platform, but to provide as many resources as possible to help you transform your L&D organization. As the pace of business accelerates, and remote work becomes the new normal, organization's need a new way to deliver and measure the impact of training and skill building experiences. Most companies spend $5K+ on recruiting and training per new hire but face 15-35% turnover and 6-9 month ramp times*. Training content is largely eLearning, lecture based classes and shadowing but only 20-50% gets applied**. This results in a costly cycle of frustrated employees and mediocre performance. Bright exists to break this mold and we've seen that organizations who use an immersive learning operating model can reduce training program costs 25%+ while improving employee performance 20%+ compared to traditional learning methods. 

Welcome to a more modern, human way to learn!



*Society for Human Resource Management: https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/employee-relations/pages/middle-managers-are-miserable-.aspx
**Association for Training & Development: https://www.td.org/insights/how-much-is-scrap-learning-costing-your-organization