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  2. Sim, Moment + Certification Build

What is a Canvas 'Variable?'

Variables let you pull in dynamic data sets, such as today's date and the learner name.

Ever been working on a simulation and wished you could tailor the details to match the learner or date? 

Enter 'Variables.' 

This is a growing list of data points that you can pull into Text or Paragraph fields that use dynamic data instead of static. 

To use them you simply type TWO curly brackets before and after the variable code. 

The variable options and code language are:

  • Learner Full Name:  {{learnerFullName}}
  • Learner First Name:   {{learnerFirstName}}
  • Learner Last Name:   {{learnerLastName}}
  • Today's Date:  {{today'sDate}}

For example, if you typed: 

Hi, {{learnerFullName}}- welcome to this simulation. 

During the simulation it would read: 

Hi, Grace James- welcome to this simulation.