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What is a Simulation?

Let's Start with a Definition

A simulation is a life-like learning experience (digital or live) where a person can practice scenario-based customer interactions similar to those they'll face in their day-to-day job role. Simulations let employees apply knowledge and judgement, use software systems, make mistakes, and get feedback in a safe environment.

Put another way, a simulation is any experience intended to give an employee practice in a safe environment. By working out customer service or sales ‘kinks’ in a simulated environment, employees can be that much more prepared and effective during real customer service or sales situations. 

Why does this matter? 

Research has shown that simulations are an incredibly effective learning technique compared to more traditional (and typically passive) learning methods like eLearnings, videos, or in-person classes. 

With these thoughts in mind, we recommend a few guiding principles as you embark on your own simulation journey: 

Make It Real
The goal of simulations is to mirror real life as closely as possible. That means background noise, umms and ahhs, and mistakes – things most learning experiences typically try to edit out – should stay. You’re equipping your employees for real life. And real life is messy.
But Not Exact
That being said, it’s ok if certain elements of your simulations are not exactly like real life. The best example is your simulated software system. Data and process steps should be accurate, but if you don’t have system animations or graphics, or hide certain visuals the learner won'y need, that’s ok too. It’s simulated, but not exact. 
Change the Model
Simulations should be delivered as part of a holistic learning approach. They aren’t just an additional "class" to add to your existing training curriculum. Our top recommendation is that you re-design learning experiences around practice and simulation. This means you may need to eliminate or shorten old content, or ask your training team to spend their days differently to deliver simulations. The skill building and business outcomes are worth the change. 
Change your Lexicon
Most businesses have gotten used to training phrases such as ‘module,’ ‘class,’ ‘video,’ and ‘webinar.’ But they are less familiar with ‘sims,’ ‘moments,’ ‘recordings,’ and ‘cases.’ You’ll need to help both your team and your organization change the way they speak about learning. And this includes the expectations they have for how long it takes to make and deliver – the good news simulations can usually move faster. As well as the business outcomes on the other side. Which leads to the last guiding principle…
The beauty of simulations is that they capture human capital data as they train. And this shifts the measurement conversation from activity to impact and outcomes. For example, traditional training lets you say ‘95% of our employees completed this class.’ Or ‘90% of our employees liked this class.’ By comparison, simulations let you say things like ‘95% of our employees can complete our top 3 CRM transactions in under 2 minutes.’ Or ‘90% of our employees met our Quality Assurance standards in 3 hours of simulated customer interactions. By using Bright’s simulation platform, you will automatically be capturing this sort of data, opening the door to a whole new way of measuring learning impact. 
There are many more resources in our knowledge base about simulations, but we hope this serves as a solid introduction!