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Creating and Editing Assignment Paths

Stitch together simulations to create a dynamic Assignment Path that is ready to assign to learners

Once you've created all of your simulations, it's time to put them together into a learning journey, or Assignment Path. This is the final step before you begin testing the content and delivering an experience to your learners. 

  1. Navigate to the Assignments menu in the Admin console. Note: this menu is only visible to Super Admins so if you do not see this menu, speak with a Super Admin in your organization or reach out to your account manager at Bright. 
  2. Next, click the + sign to create a new Assignment Path
  3. Use the first field to name your new Assignment Path. This is your chance to be creative and/or use a naming convention that clearly defines who this learning journey is aimed at. 
    Assignment Path Name
  4. Next you will be able to add Team Tags to the assignment path. Remember, just like moments and other content, team tagging will include selecting a Tier 1 team.
    Assignment Team Tags
  5. The next option is the Description that is visible to learners. This is only used if the assignment path you are creating is featured in the Explore Tab. Think of this as the tagline for your assignment.
    Assignment Description
  6. If this assignment path will be used in the explore tab, the image will serve a similar purpose to the Simulation Thumb. For these images, however, you can add your 1920x1080 image and the platform will automatically resize the image to fit the explore thumbnail. 
    Assignment Path Image
  7. The next set of options all pertain to the explore path. For more information on explore and these specific options, check out this article in our help center. If you do not want learners on the platform to be able to add or remove this assignment path- say for your new hire assignment path, uncheck the Explore Path Searchable option. This will set the behavior for the path to only be accessed when an admin assigns the path in the user panel of the admin console.
    Explore Path Options
  8. Another addition in 2024 is the ability to assign badges to an assignment path. This feature allows a learner to earn a badge once they finish the assignment path. More information about our thoughts on effective badging can be found on this help article. If you want a badge associated with your assignment path, you will first need to create the badge. Then select it from this dropdown.
    Assignment Badge Dropdown
  9. The last piece you will see is the Path Details. This is a list of the content that resides in your platform. Use the Moments, Simulation and Resources radio buttons to decide what will show up on the homepage for the learners. We recommend starting with the Simulations that you want to populate in the homepage carousel. Once you toggle the Simulations radio button, you can either search for simulations by name or scroll through the list below. Once you find the simulation you are looking to add, simply click on the box and it will start to populate in the righthand column. Drag simulations up and down to change the order or use the trash can to remove the simulation from this learning journey. Don't worry, you are not deleting the simulation! Only removing what the learners will see in their Assignment Path. See short tutorial below.  Be sure to Save after adding the appropriate content!

    You can also pin individual moments to the Homepage. These might be exercises that you want learners to be able to revisit with ease. We also recommend pinning moments like the Platform Welcome Tour and maybe a Moment related to your organization's Mission, Vision and Values. These show up below the homepage carousel as cards along the bottom. You can do the same with important Resources, which will show up in the final section of the homepage. 

    Lastly, you can edit existing Assignments from the Assignments menu as well. Simply click the pencil to edit the simulations, moments or resources that reside within that path or update the name accordingly. You can also click on any of the Simulation titles to update that Simulation on the fly. Important Note: if you make updates to any of the Simulations, Moments or Resources in one assignment path, that update will carry through wherever that Simulation, Moment or Resource is being used elsewhere.