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Explore Path Reporting

Explore is live and we are stoked! But let's keep the flame burning by diving into the reporting suite to understand how explore functions here.

If you have not had  a chance to look at explore pathing and badging, check out this article first.

We should start by remembering the full potential of an assignment path before we get into the different reports that cover explore paths. Since explore was released, we now create assignment paths that default to Explore Searchable. Unless we uncheck the option, the path will show up in the explore tab for learners. This means we do have the potential for a single path to be the core path for one learner while it is in explore for another. Maybe we have taken our new hire path and made it explore searchable for our veterans to revisit in their downtime. QA could also then encourage a learner to revisit a specific topic in Bright to help improve future QA scores. The possibilities go on, but for now we will contain the fire and get to the nit and gritty.

Moment Reports

Moments Report is indiscriminate of core vs. explore path. If the learner has attempted the moment from either place, the moment report will show their attempts. In this clip below Al has Word Choice + Positivity in their explore path.


Team Progress Report (TPR)

In our TPR, the dropdown defaults to core paths. However, you can select explore and drill down as normal to view explore path progress.

Core Explore Reporting Dropdown

Keep in mind that explore paths offer wide diversity, so you will commonly see the dashed out boxes to show the learner does not have that specific moment in their explore path. This is the same as one team with different core paths, but more common when looking at explore reporting due to the nature of these paths.


Outstanding Report

Similar to the TPR, you will see the dropdown to select core or explore paths for the team you have selected. Toggling between these options will help to identify the incomplete moments for the core or explore paths. Remember you can click the user's name to expand and see what specific moments are outstanding.


Assignment Report

First we will select the assignment path. Then choose explore on our new favorite dropdown. Then filter by team(s) and you will see the total number of learners who have the path in their explore path and of those how many are in each stage of completion. In this demo, you will notice one learner has this as a core path and one has it in their explore.