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Understanding Moment Types

Below is a summary of each Moment Type that you will find in Bright.

Each simulation is made up of what we call 'Moments.' Moments are bite-sized learning experiences that provide learners with a chance to practice key skills. Depending on the nature of the learning objectives for your lesson, your team may choose to use different types of moments to include in your learning journey. Remember that a Moment Type indicates what you want the learner to do. So when choosing or deciding which Moment Type you want to use, ask yourself: what do I want the learner to do in this Moment? Is it provide an audio or written response or answer questions or navigate a system?

Below is a quick summary of all the Moment Types, as well as the learning objective and metrics that collected in each. 

Multiple Choice Moment The learner receives a prompt and must choose a response from 3-4 options; based on their selection they receive feedback text; you can also add assessments and randomize question delivery or set thresholds for passing. Details on how to craft assessments can be found in this help article. Tests basic process and policy knowledge applied in real-life scenarios

Right / Wrong 

Passing Scores

Writing Moment Learner receives a prompt to write an email or response to a prompt; the draft is sent to the Coach inbox for feedback or can be sent to Bright's AI coach for scoring; may be taken multiple times. Details on how to craft writing moments can be found in this help article. Shows learner’s business writing skills, reading or viewing comprehension or ability to tailor provided templates.

4-star Rating

AI Coach rating available

# of Redos

Multi-skill proficiency 

Audio Recording Moment The learner receives a customer/process prompt and must record themselves responding or engaging a customer; the recording is sent to the Coach Inbox for feedback or can be sent to Bright's AI coach for scoring; may be taken multiple times. Details on how to craft audio moments can be found in this help article. Ideal for frequent customer questions, practicing opening, closing or scripts, showing true understanding of a policy,  or practicing soft skills like empathy and tone of voice.

4-star Rating

AI Coach rating available

# of Redos

Multi-skill proficiency 

Video Recording Moment A learner watches a video or receives a prompt about a face to face customer interaction or ability to showcase presence on camera; the recording is sent to the Coach Inbox for feedback; may be taken multiple times. Details on how to craft video moments can be found in this help article. Ideal for practicing face-to-face customer interactions or practicing presentation and executive presence skills. 

4-star Rating

# of Redos 

Multi-skill proficiency

System Moment The learner is responsible for navigating a series of software system/transaction steps; software screens with data validation are accompanied by a call audio featuring both the agent and customer; all info required to manage the software transaction is contained in the audio; the learner can control the audio (e.g. pause; play; rewind) as necessary to support the transaction. Details on how to craft system moments can be found in this help article. Test system and process knowledge; helps avoid workarounds; timed in order to support reduction in handle times; uses data validation to reinforce good data quality entries

Total Time in Moment/System

Navigation Proficiency

# Missed Clicks

# ‘Lifelines’ Used

Document Upload Moment The learner is asked to craft a presentation, provide documentation or proof of completion certificates and upload that external document into the Bright platform for review. The document is sent to the Coach Inbox for feedback; can resubmit documentation if necessary. Details on how to craft document upload moments can be found in this help article. Test strategic analysis or reporting skills, written creativity or proof of completion from an outside platform

4-Star Rating

Multi-skill proficiency

Link Moment Can only be used as a standalone Moment on the homepage. Learner is prompted to visit an external link and then upload materials from that external site. Details on how to craft link moments can be found in this help article. Test ability to gather resources from outside the Bright platform 4-Star Rating 
Certification Moment Screens from a System Moment are cloned and edited to create a new, unique customer case for use in live certification; trainers or managers rate associates according to quality assurance standards and upload score after certification. Details on how to craft certifications can be found in this help article. Tests synthesis of all soft and technical skills to prove readiness for role

Customer-Defined Quality Assurance Score

Total Missed Clicks

Total Sim Time

Qualitative Coach Feedback